miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2020

Waders in the ricefields.

Hello wader friends!

The past week I had the chance of visiting the Arguedas ricefields located one hour driving from my hometown in the southern part of the county.

With no doubt is one of the best places for the postnuptial migration  and atracts a nice quantity of different birds including shorebirds if the land fields offer the adecuate level of water and tranquility.

Sadly tha majority of them were dry out and with any perspectives of water flodding from the local owners  I only prospected one small ricefield that shelter the few remaining birds.

As usual in this situations and time of the year, not great numbers of them but a nice diversity of species sharing the same location.

I could notice that the birds were feeding in a frantic way as if they were ready to depart very soon and continue their migration journey to their wintering quarters.

Ruff (Calidris pugnax).

Blac stork with a heron,at both side in swallow waters shorebirds feeding

A single ruff with a pair of dunlins.

They flew away and didnt come back

Little stint (Calidris minuta).

 One of the two birds that I saw in the windy morning.

(Actitis hypoleucos).

This time the bird behaviour was more sociable with the rest.


The variety in colors and sizes is incredible in this nervous wader.

Calidris minuta

This birds was much more clear than his companion.

Tiny little stint always restless in their food researcjh.

Juvenile birds(¿from were does it come from?)

Ruffs are easily overlloked in those muddy fields.



The common snipe was the most numerous wader in the place.

Ringed plover stretching an earthworm out of the mud.

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