Hi there.
Yesterday in a very hot afternoon, I set off for a short walk to check what was going on in my LP in the last day of july as I expected something of migration movement on the way.
I wasn't wrong and I detected six wader species with the special bonus of the first "peep" of the summer, with a nervous and solitary little stint lingering in the muddy flat east area.
Finally I saw three marsh sandpipers,two very wary ruffs,one bw stilt ,two green sandpipers and more a dozen common sandpipers by far the most numerous shorebird in Zolina reservoir.
all pics with phone +kowa scope = far away from the resting birds
Tringa glareola
video. Tringa glareola
Harvested summer crop fields around the reservoir.
The solitary and nervous calidris minuta.
video. Calidris minuta
I found a dead Lesser BB gull .
See you in the next one!!
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